phone: +7 (8352) 45-84-93 phone: +7 (8352) 45-89-50 fax: +7 (8352) 45-99-99 to order a call |
/ / Operating documentation
Operating documentation
Steady-speed electric actuators general version
Position signaling units for ЭИМ
Двигатели для ЭИМ
Process control and regulation instruments
Process control systems
Steady-speed electric actuators explosion-proof version
Single-turn МЭО
- МЭО-16, 40-IIВТ4-93
- МЭО-16, 40-IIСТ4-93, 95
- МЭО-40, 100, 250, -500-IIBТ4-93, 95
- МЭО-40, 100, 250, -500-IIСТ4-93, 95
- МЭО-630, 1000-IIВТ4-93, 95
- МЭО-630, 1000-IIСТ4-93, 95
- МЭО-1000, 1600, 2000, 2500-IIВТ4-93, 95
- МЭО-2000, 4000, 10000-IIАТ3-93
Position signaling devices
Process control and regulation instruments for NPP
Steady-speed electric actuators version for NPP
Amplifying devices (noncontact starters)
Boiler and other heating devices automatics
- Control and signaling units БУС12, БУС14, БУС15
- Control units set КУК (БКП-КЭ, КЭ, БКП-ФД, ФД, БЗУ2, БКТ, БКУ, БКГ, БЦИ)
- Adjustment units БР10-3
- Adjustment units БР10-4
- Boiler control unit БУК10-4
- Boiler control unit БУК10-5
- Boiler control unit БУК-А1-1
- Boiler control unit БУК-А2-1
- Boiler control unit БУК-А3-1
JSC "SKB SPA" © All rights reserved, 2014 |
428018, 428018, RF, Chuvashia Republic, Cheboksary, Afanasyev str. 8 Reception room: phone (8352) 45-77-14, fax (8352) 45-04-42, email: Sales: phone (8352) 45-84-93, 45-89-50, fax (8352) 45-49-99, email: |
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